Clean Power

Ukrainian (UA)English (United Kingdom)

The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The Institute of Electrodynamics

About Institute



Yu.I. Tugay1*, O.D. Demov2**, D.A. Nikishyn3***, Yu.Yu. Pivniuk4****
1,3 – Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Peremohy, 56, Kyiv-57, 03680, Ukraine,
е-mail:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
2,4 – Vinnitsa National Technical University, 
Khmelnitsky highway, 95, Vinnitsa, 21021, Ukraine,
е-mail:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
*** ORCID ID :
**** ORCID ID :

Since the process of production, transmission and consumption of reactive power in electric networks are inseparable physically; the state of the electrical network should be taken into account during the management of compensating units for reactive power optimization. On other hand this problem is solved in the local networks in practice, so it is needed the separation of the completely electrical network. The method of electrical network decomposition that allows managing capacity compensating units in the local network with taking into account the influence of other networks was developed. The proposed method can simplify the management of capacity compensating installations in the electrical network. For example, the analysis of condenser units management in industrial enterprise based on the decomposition of its electrical network was done and the capacity capacitors management to provide a given input reactive power at maximum reduction of energy losses was fulfilled. References 9, figure 1, table 1.
Key words: electric networks, optimization, reactive power, decomposition.

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2. Kuznetsov V.G., Tugay Yu.I., Nikishin D.A. Optimization of modes of modern power supply systems. Visnyk Kharkivskoho NTU silskoho hospodarstva. Kharkiv, 2015. No 164. Pp. 44-45. (Ukr)
3. Demov O.D., Pivniuk Yu.Yu. Phased calculation of reactive power compensation in electric grids based on their decomposition. Tekhnichna elektrodynamika. 2017. No 1. Pp.81-86. (Ukr) DOI:
4. Karpov F.F. Compensation of reactive power in distribution networks. Moscow: Energiya, 1975. 184p. (Rus)
5. Rogalsky B.S. Methods of calculation of electricity consumption and compensating units and their control systems (at industrial enterprises, including non-metallic careers: Dr. Tech. sci. diss.: 05.09.03 / Natsionalna hirnycha akademiya Ukrayiny. Dnipropetrovsk. 1999. 301 p. (Ukr)
6. Kron G. Diakoptics: The Piecewise Solution of Large-scale Systems. London: MacDonald, 1963. 166р.
7. Rogalsky B. S., Demov O. D., Palamarchuk O. P. Automatic regulator of condenser units. Patent UA № 40982, 2009. (Ukr)
8. Conejo A.J., Alguacil N., Fernandes-Ruth G. Allocation of the cost of transmission losses using a radial equivalent network. IEEE Trans. PAS. 2003. No 18. Pp. 1353-1356. DOI:
9. Conejo A.J., Galiana F.D., Kockar I. Z-bus loss allocation. IEEE Trans. PAS. 2001. No 16. Pp. 105-110. DOI: